Someone was telling me he spent seven years in Bible college getting all the diplomas and degrees available, yet, he was behaving like  someone who never heard about Jesus. All I could do was shake my head in sadness because it’s a common decimal in Christendom (Tit.1:16).  If we have the Holy Spirit, we’ll be concerned about the things of God, not the things that have to do with self (Rev. 4:10-11).

This is a direct manifestation of the fear of God, which qualifies us to know the secrets of God – the revelation that people don’t see (Psa. 25: 9,12). One of such is John 12:20; the Greeks came to him and said, “We will see Jesus.” And Jesus said, “Now the wheat of corn must die and then it can multiply.” That aspect of life that has to do with sacrifice – a sacrificial living is missing in the church. From morning till night, night vigils, church programs and more church programs. Everyone is asking God to give them money, deliverance, houses – give, give, give. That’s all people ask for. And I ask myself, do they even understand what prosperity is all about? Is that why Jesus died?

My concern is that when people have the Holy Spirit, the Bible says it will teach you to pray. It’s in Romans chapter 8. There will be a connection. Without the Holy Spirit, you cannot say Abba, Father. So, when I see people running after the things of self, instead of the things that will make God happy – things that will make you confirm your salvation, I just wonder in the Spirit, what is happening here? Why is Christendom like this? Everyone who is called by the name of the Lord is meant to be an oracle of God. As Peter once advised, be prepared to defend your faith wherever you find yourself.

The call to be born again, emphasized by the Lord Jesus Christ, stands as the pivotal doctrine in the Bible. It serves as the initial step towards sonship and the doorway to entering the Kingdom of God, as illustrated in the narrative of Nicodemus and Jesus  in John chapter 3. Jesus delineated between merely perceiving the Kingdom of God and actively entering into it, as Paul explained to Titus 2:11-14. He said the  grace to become born again is extended to everyone.   However, despite the broad invitation, not everyone embraces the call to be born again.

Delving into the subsequent verse, we discover that the same grace facilitating salvation also instructs those who have been reborn to renounce ungodliness, worldly pursuits, and encourages them to lead sober and righteous lives in the present world. This transformation is intended to make believers stand out. We must understand that the journey of salvation is a continuous effort to improve oneself to gain continuous access to the power of the living God.

With this divine power, individuals can rescue souls from the clutches of the devil, intercede for the salvation of others, heal the sick, and liberate the oppressed. This of course is an affront to the Devil,  which he will not take with folded hands. So, he comes to lure us away from the Father’s house (God’s presence and our God given assignment). Demas and the prodigal son comes to mind as good examples (2 Tim. 4:10; Luke 15:11-32).

Genuine salvation involves more than joining a church; it requires a lasting commitment. Uncomfortable experiences may arise initially, but enduring the process leads to spiritual growth. Psalm 127 and 128 reinforce the idea that, as children of the Lord, believers are akin to sharpened arrows meant to engage with the enemy at the gates. These passages depict the importance of cultivating a family grounded in faith, where children become blessings to their generation, much like olive plants with economic and healing value.

Understanding these principles is crucial for believers to navigate the journey of salvation and tap into the transformative power of the Holy Spirit. If you’re wondering what to do next, after accepting Christ as your Lord and Savior simply start praying to the Lord and focus on your growth. As a first step, distance yourself from negative influences, particularly friends who bring negativity into your life. Embrace the atmosphere of a church and make attending a regular part of your life. Without the Holy Spirit, you can’t truly be a child of God or effectively serve Him. In 2 Timothy chapters 2 and 3, Paul emphasizes the importance of being strong in the Lord and the grace found in Jesus Christ.

 The instructions extend to teaching others, who will in turn teach others creates a chain of spiritual knowledge. Being a good soldier of Christ involves avoiding entanglements with worldly affairs. The focus should be on Jesus, learning about Him, and advancing with Him. Winning this spiritual warfare requires following lawful steps, receiving grace, and allowing that grace to teach you, as mentioned in Titus 2:12.

True salvation has been maligned by the devil, who aims to distort its essence. It’s crucial to build on a foundation of true salvation, which involves confessing sins to the Lord Jesus Christ and asking Him to be your Lord and Savior. Repentance, in the Greek sense, means making a U-turn from the wrong path onto the road that leads to heaven, often referred to as Zion. Psalm 84 describes this road as a highway or pilgrimage, emphasizing the importance of starting right to build a strong foundation in Christianity. The simplicity of Christianity lies in the act of continually following after God as we learn to live according to His word. That was what Paul implies by “ I a prisoner of the Lord “ (Eph. 4:1).

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