Elijah The Third Rapture

In a way similar to the lives of Enoch and Moses, the Lord brought Elijah into the center of a vortex of moral and spiritual depravity.

Moses, the Second Rapture

Like Enoch, Moses’ last days on Earth were highly unusual. In fact, one can make the case that he, too, was taken to heaven alive.

The 7 Raptures in the Bible

God took Enoch to heaven prior to the judgment of his own era, just as we will be taken out before the future judgment mentioned in Enoch’s own prophecy documented by Jude 14-16

Living Above The Times

All times are not the same. That’s just the way God has set things. And He did it so, so that coming generations may have past references to learn from, as they learn to live right, to please God.

Rapture: No Going Back To Egypt

After the doings of the land of Egypt, wherein ye dwelt, shall ye not do: and after the doings of the land of Canaan, whither I bring you, shall ye not do: neither shall ye walk in their ordinances.

Rapture: Don’t Just Go There

Of all the topics in the Bible, the least you will want to talk about is the RAPTURE. This is because very few people want to hear you. They would rather prefer messages on PROSPERITY

The Burden of Nehemiah

Great men of God are burdened men and as for Nehemiah, he cried and cried for a Jerusalem that he knew from stories told by the fathers, for he was born in Exile. God Himself is described as a man of sorrow

Being Fruitful Part 2

Matthew 16:24-25 says we must all carry our cross. If you are not carrying the cross, then you are not a Christian, not to talk of being a minister. We have to be identified with the Cross

Being Fruitful Part 1

We are designed to be fruitful. So, anyone that is thinking about being with God in eternity must thus be thinking about working for God.