Rapture Ahead: Time To Get Initiated
This is the time to live for God; this the time to be His friend. The whole essence of Christianity is to get to Heaven.
The Burden of Nehemiah
Great men of God are burdened men and as for Nehemiah, he cried and cried for a Jerusalem that he knew from stories told by the fathers, for he was born in Exile. God Himself is described as a man of sorrow
Being Fruitful Part 2
Matthew 16:24-25 says we must all carry our cross. If you are not carrying the cross, then you are not a Christian, not to talk of being a minister. We have to be identified with the Cross
Being Fruitful Part 1
We are designed to be fruitful. So, anyone that is thinking about being with God in eternity must thus be thinking about working for God.
The Power Of The Mind
Man’s thoughts will always determine his actions. Our thoughts therefore should be positive, like Paul said in Philippians 4:8.
Anointed To Serve Part 2
Everyone on the road to the city of God must be a worker for God, because God does not recognize ordinary church members. So, what do we do in God’s vineyard
Anointed To Serve Part 1
Let’s face the fact, we are anointed to serve but how many Christians are serving. The man that labours for himself receives things that perish and at the end, death, for that is the portion of the man that live to satisfy himself.
In Satan’s World
How can you grow up with all the things you have learnt from the Devil and want to be a servant of the Lord? All manner of negative characteristics need to be washed off and new characters picked up from the word of God.
Character Upgrade
Perfection or proficiency in things doesn’t come easy or at once, it takes being taught, over time. It is the same with spiritual things.
Let The Best Come Out Of You
The ability to subdue one’s feelings or desires to wait for instructions from God is a form of maturity; and maturity is upgraded character being displayed.